Thursday 29 January 2009


Hi, I just thought I best tell you a little about myself before people see the complex workings of my mind! I am a blogging virgin but admittedly it is something I have been wanting to get in to for a while now, and a recant blog from a friend about me has made me burst into action.

A little about myself I am a 21 year old male from Liverpool, I enjoy life and try to live it to the max but unlike most people this does not mean drinking myself into oblivion at every opportunity, although I have been known to have a tipple or two on special occasions. I enjoy taking part in sport and this has probably made me the person I am today. I have many many good friends around me who are the best anybody could wish for, and along with that a wonderful girlfriend and supportive family, I suppose you could say I have life just the way I want it right now! I cant really go into too much depth about my work but lets just say I am following a career path that is full of highs and lows and funny story's along the way.

That's about it, I am a very abstract thinker at times so do bare with me if i go off in tangents but I hope you all enjoy!